Annual Print and Digital Competition – UPDATE, SEE BELOW

The competition is in two parts, for prints and Digital Projected Images (DPI’s). There is no set theme, you may enter any pictures of your choice.

The arrangements are:

1  Member’s may enter up to two prints and/or two DPI’s.

2  Prints should be mounted in standard mounts (500x400mm or 400x300mm. 20″x16″ mounts are acceptable). They must be handed in at the meeting on 16 March. If you are submitting prints you must also upload a jpg copy to the online Gallery in the usual way by 16 March.

3   DPI’s must be uploaded to the online Gallery by 16 March.

UPDATE – We will still be running the competition even though meetings have been cancelled. The entries will be judged remotely and results will be publicised subsequently. If you were intending to enter prints please upload the digital versions as previously advised, but there will be no facility to judge the actual prints.