Gallery Upload Instructions


Galleries will normally be open at least a month before the closing date. Details of galleries and their closing dates are publicised on the Programme page of the website. A reminder of current galleries is usually also displayed on the Home page. Galleries close at 23:00 on the date stated. Images will appear on the Galleries page two days later.

Image Format. All images should be saved as .jpg files. To preserve your image quality, please ensure that the maximum horizontal dimension (width) is 1400 pixels and the maximum vertical dimension (height) is 1050 pixels. (This is the resolution of the projector used at our meetings.) The file size should not exceed 510,000 bytes (approx. 498 kB). Images exceeding any of these limits will be automatically resized/resampled and the original image will be replaced by the resampled (lower quality) image.

Some notes about resizing images can be found in the following documents
Resizing Images with Photoshop and Elements
Resizing Images with Lightroom Classic
Resizing Images with IrfanView (Free tool for Windows)
Resizing Images on a Mac

If you find that an uploaded image has mysteriously rotated, please read the following document.
How to stop images rotating when uploaded to a gallery

Notes on viewing images in the galleries can be found here – How to view Gallery Pictures


  1. Login to Members’ area (on home page) using your Username and Password
  2. A list of galleries is displayed (newest at the top). Click on “My Images” against the appropriate gallery.
  3. The number of images permitted is displayed along with a form to upload your images.
    • Image file: Click on “Choose file” button and browse for your image. Its filename will then be displayed to the right of the button.
    • Title: Enter a title for your image – this title will be displayed in the gallery.
    • Allow Public View?: Select “YES” if you are happy for your image to be displayed publicly on the website gallery. Select “NO” if you only wish your image to be displayed during a members’ meeting.
    • Copyright Statement: Select your name if you are happy for this to be displayed in the gallery. If not you should select “SPG Member”.
  4. After completing the above steps, click the “Upload Image” button. A thumbnail of your image should appear, with the options to Preview, Edit or Delete. (More about these options later.)
  5. If you wish to add further images, up to the gallery limit, repeat the above steps. You can add further images at any time before the closing date.

To make changes to an image that you have uploaded, you have the following options, displayed under the image thumbnail.

  • Preview: This displays the image full size on a new tab. If your uploaded image exceeded any of the size criteria, this will be the resized/resampled image.
  • Edit: This allows you to change the image Title and/or Copyright Statement. It will also allow you to toggle visibility of the image via Allow Public View. These changes are implemented immediately the “Update” button is clicked.
  • Delete: This will permanently delete your image from the website. Images CANNOT be replaced once the gallery has closed.